Conscious Creation

Now, the mind is absolutely necessary to create your physical reality (remember the coma patient analogy) because it provides the emotional thoughts that motivate your behavior to choose to approach or avoid experiences. The problem is that since we live in routine and act out of habit, it is somewhat difficult to change that automatically motivated behavior produced by your constantly flowing emotional thought cycle, which is either routinely positive or negative.

Routinely negative individuals are normally in a bad mood, always complaining, angry, frustrated, bitter, resentful, impatient, sad, depressed, hopeless, insecure, lacking emotional control, etc. and these types of individuals always seem to encounter situations in their life that reinforce these kinds of negative feelings over and over again.

However, routinely positive individuals are normally in a good mood, always experiencing emotions of love, trust, gratitude, understanding, forgiveness, compassion, hope, happiness, joy, confidence, excitement, inspiration, patience, etc. and these types of individuals always seem to encounter situations in their life that reinforce these kinds of positive feelings over and over again.

The reason that both positive and negative individuals always seem to encounter situations in their life that reinforce their kinds of usual feelings over and over again has to do with the routine and habitual ways in which we think, feel and act. Positive individuals habitually tend to see misfortunes as temporary setbacks that just happen now and then which they do not harp on while negative people habitually harp on misfortunes for much longer periods of time and see them as a confirmation of how the world constantly and negatively treats them; but it’s mostly to do with the fact that negative individuals tend to habitually avoid most opportunities for possible happiness while positive individuals habitually approach them.

If we always think and feel negative, we are going to continue to act in negative ways that keep creating motivated behavior that maintains the emotional thought cycle of habitual negativity in our everyday experiences. If we always think and feel positive, we are going to continue to act in positive ways that keep creating motivated behavior that maintains the emotional thought cycle of habitual positivity in our everyday experiences. A coma patient does not consciously think and feel at all, unable to produce any routine motivation to act which keeps their experience exactly the same; people that think and feel negative the majority of the time will produce experiences of exactly the same, people that think and feel positive the majority of the time will produce experiences of exactly the same and people that can’t consciously express any thought and emotion produce experience of exactly the same, simple as that!

Since thought and emotion are two sides of the same coin, you can’t have either without the other, you will notice me reference this in using the words “emotional thoughts” as a frequent reminder. Fortunately, our emotions can be used as a feedback mechanism for knowing which direction our thoughts are focused on, on what we want or don’t want.

You may be wondering, “How does my focused thinking on what I want or don’t want have an effect as to whether I experience mostly positive or negative circumstances in my reality?”   Well, I’m glad you asked!

Allow me to refer back to my coma patient analogy; our mind’s ways of thinking, feeling and acting create the circumstances of the reality we currently experience but in the case of the coma patient, their inactive mind’s absence of conscious thinking, feeling and acting create the absence of any physical experiences in his or her reality; the coma patient isn’t consciously focusing on anything that is wanted to be experienced in physical reality and creates no experience, positive people will more often focus on what they do want to be experienced in physical reality and creates those experiences, and negative people will more often focus on what they don’t want to be experienced in physical reality and creates those experiences. What is focused on is given mental energy to be created in physical reality, whether the focus is negatively on what you don’t want, positively on what you do want or neutrally on nothing in the case of the coma patient!

Our emotional thoughts produce the motivated actions and inspired choices that determine a more positive or negative direction in creating our future experiences of reality.

For example, if you are always feeling down and really negative, you will likely not be an inspirationally motivated type of person which will more often avoid choosing to act on any possibility of change that may bring you happiness and positivity out of fear of the unknown change’s effects. I know this for a fact because I was once this type of negative person that thought that at least I knew how my future experiences would turn out even if I didn’t desire them and change was just too hard! Well, I am here to tell you that if you can use a pen and paper, CHANGE IS NOT HARD!

Emotional Mode of Operation

So, no matter if you have a constantly positive mind, negative mind or don’t have a conscious mind at all, your daily emotional experiences are the direct result of your mind’s primary emotional mode of operating or not operating. Think about your life’s daily routines and how you usually feel; are you normally in a good or bad mood? Now, if you are uncertain as to whether you primarily operate in a good or bad mood, you are likely the type of person who endures cycles of emotional ups and downs.

I can say with certainty that if you endure these emotional cycles of ups and downs, your primary mode of emotional operation is one of negativity. Allow me to explain, the positive cycles of emotion you endure are only temporary because your primary mode of feeling negative keeps dragging you back down due to unresolved negative emotional issues that eventually penetrate through your temporary mode of positivity.

Negative Emotions Aren’t Always Bad

All of us want to think and feel primarily positive and will do our best to convince ourselves in any way possible that we are but we only push the negative issues to the back of our mind without attending to them. Most people think that negative emotions are something bad to be avoided at all costs but the truth of the matter is that you would not know what it feels like to experience positive emotions if you did not know what it felt like to experience the negative ones.

We simply do not want the negative emotions to be the feelings we experience most often and for this not to occur, we must first embrace the negative emotions so that we can learn from what they are trying to communicate to us about our thoughts. It is estimated that the average person has around 60,000 thoughts a day, so monitoring each and every thought is not a practical task. Luckily, we have our emotions to let us know if the constant ways in which we are thinking are desirable or not, but before we explore our emotional system in depth and how to alter it, we first need to understand the cause of society’s predominant focus on what they don’t want by exploring the cause of this focus in depth.

Next Page: Cause of Focus

Negativity Analysis

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