Moral Character and Political Activism

What is the connection between moral character and political activism? Do you think there should be a link between good moral character and political activity?

The connection between moral character and political activism lies in the self-preservation and morality of each individual; humans may not always act on morally right decisions, but we do primarily act with self-preservation in mind. For these reasons, people may do things without consideration for what is morally proper and act as they individually desire out of habit; therefore, political activism enforces moral laws to secure the proper moral character and peace among people.

I do believe there should be a link between good moral character and political activity, for if there was not there would be no standard with which to judge the decisions and actions of the political leaders. With that said, let’s imagine there was no link between good moral character and political activity; we would be led blindly by the very thing we originally contracted politicians to prevent and manage: self-preservation and morality. We are still led by self-preservation and morality today but good moral character provides the sight to differentiate when political leaders do something for personal or bettering societal reasons.

Political scandals that have made their way into the media expose the corruption and deceit; for example, the water gate and Monica Lewinsky scandals. From a personal perspective, when Clinton was first exposed I did not think that extramarital relation was grounds for his impeachment. Now, after reading the moral and political philosophy books, I understand that if he was a man that could not be morally just to his wife, a woman he promised to love in the eyes of God, society would have no reason to believe his intentions are morally just for the citizens, thereby creating doubt in his political leadership.

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