Clark’s Coaching

Coaching you for life!”


Do you feel stuck in life? Are you truly happy with the way things are or are you just content to deal with things instead of making changes? Do you have a family, house, vehicles and pretty much anything else you want but still feel like you want something more and don’t know exactly what you want? Is your life exciting?

As children, we get excited way more often and over the simplest things; as adults, excitement gets harder and harder to come by when life has thrown hassle after hassle at us. Maybe we are always stressing about money, relationships, health, career, the home, kids, etc.

More often than not, we get stuck in a balancing act of demands that our lives require from us. We get caught up in it all and forget to take the time to sit back and observe everything we’re doing in our life. We get so caught up that we don’t even bother to question if what we’re doing makes us happy. Most of the time, we are content to run the usual routine of going to work, coming home, complaining about our job, eating dinner, going to bed and then waking up to go to a stressful job all over again every day. We don’t like the job at all but we have to make money to support the household and there are no other jobs that pay better for the specific skills we have.

My job is to show you that your life can be happier and motivate you toward making the choices that will bring you the most happiness. I am a certified life coach, law of attraction practitioner and have a degree in psychology, so I understand behavior, emotions, life issues, achieving goals, planning and organization and relationships. When you talk with me there is no need to worry about being judged for any choices, behavior or mistakes you explain. I am in a wheelchair so I know how it is to have beliefs held about you due to my disability and I don’t like judgments and assumptions about me, so I’m very conscious about not judging others. I understand that everyone makes mistakes, I know I’ve made my fair share! Mistakes are nothing to be ashamed of because they help us learn what we need to do to prevent the mistake in the future.

Maybe you don’t have any major issues or conflicts; you have a home, a car, good relationships and nice stuff but you’re just unhappy and don’t know why. I can help you to determine the cause of your unhappiness and reveal the possible choices you have that will be most beneficial. If you need to talk about an argument with a friend, family member or spouse, I’m here anytime and nothing that is said during session leaves the session.

Finding your life in quite a mess? Clark’s Coaching always knows what’s best!

I will be adding new client forms, contracts and questionnaires under this section to determine your goals and motivations.

Contact info: (in the subject heading write “New Life Coaching Client – [your name]” )

(409) 549-2849     Call or text and mention right away about needing life coaching services

Next Page: Who Are You?

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